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1 University

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Homework 3.5

Homework 3.5

Q Question 1. Version 2*/2. Score: 3/3Expand Cholesterol levels (mg/dL) were collected from a random sample of patients two days after they had a heart attack. Cholesterol level 186 270 224 266 244 226 220 236 160 288 310 234 294 142 282 210 318 288 206 272 For the data shown above, find the following. Round the answer in the first box to 2 decimal places. Put the correct units in the second box. Question 2. Version 1*/1. Score: 3/3 Part 1 of 3 A random sample of Print-O-Matic printing company's employee salaries (in dollars) are recorded in the table below. Salary 76029 73877 65270 272500 75311 109739 65270 108448 52718 58456 For the data shown above, find the following. Round the answer in the first blank to 2 decimal places. Put the correct units in the second blank. Remove the high CEO salary of 272500 dollars from the data.Recompute the following. Round the answer in the first blank to 2 decimal places. Put the correct units in the second blank. • Find the mean: Correct Correct • Find the median: Correct Correct • Find the mode: Correct Correct Part 3 of 3 Which of the following statistics was most affected by removing the high CEO salary from the data? Question 3. Version 1*/1. Score: 2/2 Determine the shape of the distribution pictured below and the measure of center that should be used. 510152025data0.[Graphs generated by this script: setBorder(54,40,20,5); initPicture(0,7.5,0,26);axes(1000,5,1,1000,5); fill="blue"; stroke="black"; textabs([165,0],"data","above");line([0.5,-0.52],[0.5,0.52]); text([0.5,0],"0.5","below");line([1.5,-0.52],[1.5,0.52]); text([1.5,0],"1.5","below");line([2.5,-0.52],[2.5,0.52]); text([2.5,0],"2.5","below");line([3.5,-0.52],[3.5,0.52]); text([3.5,0],"3.5","below");line([4.5,-0.52],[4.5,0.52]); text([4.5,0],"4.5","below");line([5.5,-0.52],[5.5,0.52]); text([5.5,0],"5.5","below");line([6.5,-0.52],[6.5,0.52]); text([6.5,0],"6.5","below");line([7.5,-0.52],[7.5,0.52]); text([7.5,0],"7.5","below");textabs([0,115],"Frequency","right",90);rect([0.5,0],[1.5,5]);rect([1.5,0],[2.5,8]);rect([2.5,0],[3.5,18]);rect([3.5,0],[4.5,26]);rect([4.5,0],[5.5,22]);rect([5.5,0],[6.5,8]);rect([6.5,0],[7.5,5]);]

Q Based on the shape of the histogram above, what measure of center should be used?

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1.243.8 mg/dL ,240 mg/dL ,288 mg/dL 2.95761.8 dollars 74594 dollars 65270 dollars